Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oops x2...Both Blog Related: De-Lurking Day and 8 Year Blogiversary!!

1. I completely missed De-Lurking Day this year...totally bummed about that because I find it fun to see who says hello and who is still reading.

2. Completely missed my anniversary this year. January 16 (Sunday) was 8 years since I started blogging. This is it's third iteration as it started under a different name, moved to MT and finally landed at blogger. So happy I started blogging as I have met some great people along the way.

Please say HI if you are still reading.


Maribeth said...

Delurking in New Hampshire, and Happy Blogaversary too!

Keri said...

Happy Blogaversary! And I almost ALWAYS miss delurking day unless I stumble upon someone else who does it. :)

Always reading via google reader but not always commenting. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm still reading (also via google reader). :-) Do you like blogger? I've considered switching to it recently.
~ Mo