Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More Doctors...

Once again I am back on a heart monitor, this time for a month. I hope that they can figure out what is going on this time. So far, the monitor people haven't seen anything to worry about. In fact, they haven't seen anything other than my pacemaker kicking in. I just want answers!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Life Update

Halloween was fun, although cold and wet. We moved the "party" into my neighbor's garage and enjoyed our apple cider and witches costumes while staying dry.

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly and we will be celebrating with my family. I am in charge of desserts and will be making pumpkin and apple pies, as well as a cream puff cake.

Friday involves marathon shopping...or as long as I can make it since my breathing is still completely screwed up. I have finished most of my shopping already but going shopping on Black Friday is a family tradition.

Monday I finally get to see my cardiologist to find out why things were going great and then suddenly crashed and burned!